addel patented curb charging module

About us

We are a startup and are right now executing a pilot project in Sweden.

Innovative Street Charging Competition Our concept was developed as a contribution to the "innovative street charging" competition by the City of Stockholm, the Swedish innovation agency VINNOVA and Kista Science Park.

The Swedish Intellectual Property Office A patent application was made before the competition entry was submitted.

Awarded a prize which consisted of implementing a demonstrator We were awarded a prize which consisted of implementing a pilot, a "proof of concept", in a real street environment.

Venture Cup IDEAWe also participated in VENTURE CUP's IDEA competition for those who wants to test if their business idea works and turn it into the next success story!

Venturecup Sweden East One of five winners in VENTURE CUP's IDEA competition region east. What a thrill!

VINNOVA Proof of Concept Project VINNOVA, the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems, funds our "proof of concept"-project for operation and evaluation.

Tierps Järnbruk produces pre series modules Pre-series of the modules cast in iron by Tierps Järnbruk.

Swedish Patent and registration office Patent Published by the Swedish Patent and Registration Office, PRV.


The Team

The team behind the innovation consists of two doers with extensive experience in innovation and business development.


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